
Guess the Number Game

This is your first project - a guessing game. In it, we will learn about Python's random module, process user's input, and practice the program flow.


  1. Create a GitHub repo and clone it to your local machine using CLI. If you don't know how to do that, go back to the workflow lesson.
  2. Before you start coding, try to think a little bit about the structure of the program. What functionality do you want? Do you want to show results? How many times does the player get to play, and if more than one, will you show the score? How many attempts will you give a person to guess the number? Try to answer all of these questions, and your own, at least mentally. Better still (though optional), write down the technical criteria.
  3. Now, create a file called main.py and open it in VSC.
  4. Import random module and use its randint() function (find documentation for this function online) to randomly generate a number from 1 to 100. Store that value as a variable. (Incidentally, it would be a great idea to check out the whole module just to start familiarizing yourself with the standard library. In particular, check out the shuffle(), choice(), seed(), and uniform() functions. This and this are good standard library documentations.)
  5. Ask user for a number between 1 and 100, convert the result to an integer (using int() function) and store it as a variable.
  6. Don't forget to commit your code as often as possible. Atomic commits are a very good practice, and will make you a better developer. At this stage in your developer career, you'll not see the point. However, when you will come back to this project in months, or when a recruiter will go through your code and commits, you will be grateful to yourself for doing it. Again, if you don't remember how to do that, go back to the workflow lesson.
  7. Compare the user's choice and the computer's random number and display the result.
  8. Right now, if the user doesn't get the number right from the first try, the game will stop. Let's fix that. Depending on the number of attempts you will give your user, use the appropriate loop and put user input and comparison logic inside that loop.


If you followed the instructions and made everything work, congratulations! You've built your first Python project. One among many on your journey. Let's keep solidifying what we've learned so far in practice. Next, we're going to build Hangman game.

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